I finally cracked the code to making incredible (thick), rich, creamy, smooth vegan (nut-free/coconut-free) yogurt made with veggies and the curds from our fermented veggie vegan cheese!
The vegetables are processed (grating and juicing), then fermented, then processed and cooked into curds, then further fermented.
When I tell you we were all SHOOKETH and mind blown is an understatement!
It’s the best vegan yogurt we’ve ever had. Super rich.
A whopping 25 grams of protein!
Our yogurt is cultured slowly, giving it a mild tang and lots of probiotic fire-power
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Ingredients: lacto-fermented parsnip, White sweet potato, ground hemp hearts, yuca, sea salt, rutabaga hemp heart miso (soy-free), apple cider vinegar, cocoa butter, vegan probiotic cultures.
Nutrition Facts
Cal - 190 Total Fat 4.3g Total Carb 6g Dietary Fiber 5.2g Total Sugar 2.5g Protein 25.5g